Saturday, March 27, 2010


Everytime I get a letter from JD I am a little on edge about what it is going to say. Because sometimes his letters are so exciting and happy! But there are also those times that the letters are very hard.. much like last week. This weeks letter however, was wonderful!!

See, when JD left, he gave me a ring. Not an engagement ring, but a ring that says how much he loves me. I wear it to show everyone that I am waiting for a missionary. Not the waiting and dating kind, but actually waiting for him to come home and be with me. I promised JD that I would always wear it as long as I consider him my boyfriend. So the only way I will take it off is if we either break up (which won't happen), or get engaged. The ring he gave me is not real diamonds or anything, just a sterling silver ring with cubic zerconia diamonds around it. The ring is called an eternity band. Because I will love him for eternity. On our Anniversary, which was January 1st (2 years now!), he sent me another identical band that goes with it, with a promise that someday he will turn it into an engagement ring. Many people think this ring is a wedding ring or they ask if I'm married. I just reply, no I'm not married or engaged, I'm just waiting for a missionary that I someday do want to marry.

Right when JD left, I also bought him a ring. His ring is a CTR ring (we thought that was fitting due to his mission) that he also wears with the same meaning I wear mine for. With last week's letter and everything he said about following every rule, I just assumed that it would be a rule that he cannot wear rings on that specific finger. I also had asked him about it in many of my letters and he never answered, so I took that as his way of saying, no I don't wear it because I can't. But in this week's letter he finally answered my question about whether or not he wears it, and his answer made my entire week better! He said, I am wearing my ring and I have been and I will not take it off until you want me to! JD promised me a long time ago that he would never be the one to break up with me. And that if we ever broke up, it would be because I wanted to and told him we needed to. JD and I have been through so much in our relationship already. We have fought more than anyone can imagine, and yet we learn how to work our way through the fights together. And I think it has made us stronger as a couple to be able to fight, and work it out and still love each other just as much, if not more. Hearing that JD still wears his ring means a lot, just because I know that even though he doesn't spend hardly any time concentrating on him and I while he is out on his mission, it is okay. He still wears that ring because he still loves me. And I don't need anything more from him while he is on a mission than to know that he will always love me. And wearing that ring is just one little way he can say it to me without actually being able to physically say it.


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