Thursday, December 22, 2011

Spirit of Christmas

In light of all the stress I've been under lately, life has been pretty good! I finally finished my classes today, and even though I wasn't sure it was possible, I did well on my Pharmacology final and passed that class! Man, that teacher was tough, and I've got her for Pharm 2 next quarter too! Oh well, at least I'm learning my drugs!  I've spent a lot of time the last few days shopping for Christmas stuff.  It's been kinda fun to go around...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Road Home

Over the last two years, I have accrued a lot of friends who have sent out a boyfriend on a mission.  Mainly because I went looking for those girls who were in the same crappy situation I was in two years ago so that we could maybe talk about this process and help each other through it.  Let me remind you that in no way, shape, or form do I want anyone else to go through what I have gone through the last two years in sending my boyfriend...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Happiness

I was looking at a friend of mine's wedding pictures for the first time the other day. And I love her, yet her pictures made me hate her so much! Her wedding, her pictures, her dress, her ring, her gorgeous husband, her LIFE is just so perfect! How can that be fair at all? How can something so happy and beautiful make me hate her so much? Okay, I don't really hate her but I sure do wish sometimes I could switch lives with her. I'm sick of my...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Love and Other Drugs

Love is rough.  All of my posts on this blog has seriously talked about how love has been such a rough road for me.  Is it ever going to be a happy ending for me?  Where is that fairy tale that we teach our children all about?  We are setting them up for failure.  I mean, we say someday this amazing wonderful prince charming will show up in your life out of the blue and it will be love at first sight.  You guys will...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dear Little Gidget,

I miss you.  Everyone misses you so much.  You were always so tiny, weighing only 6 lbs in the healthiest time of your life, yet without you around the house is so empty.  I miss everything about you.  I miss my best cuddle buddy!  It's hard to look at your cute green blanket that you loved to lay with, whoever was using that blanket was going to be your cuddle buddy for the night.  I miss when you would play ball, and...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Change is so hard to get used to.  I never really understood those certain people that have an actual change-phobia because most of the time, change usually brings about something positive.  At least for me that's the way it's usually gone.  So many changes I've dealt with were such happy times for me.  Like graduating high school, starting nursing school, living on my own, getting my cute Koda... the list goes on.  All of these things were huge changes that drastically effected the rest of my life.  And they have...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Baby

I love my baby.  My sweet, sweet 7 1/2 month old Siberian Husky named Koda.  I have posted about her many times before.  But it's been a little while since I've shown how much I really love that girl.  My hell that dog can be such a pain though, and she makes me so angry! Especially when she decides she is going to somehow get away from me and take off down the street, and then turn it all into a catch me if you can game.  It's...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone tries to be a tattle tail (sp?).  But even worse, when that tattle tail is in a professional work setting.  I mean, come on! I am dealing with drama, as you can tell.  Sometimes, most of the time, I feel like my life is one big soap opera.  Work has been the main event for me lately.  I wish I could go on and on and just let everything I have been feeling about work out right now, but you never know who is going to read this and I don't want to get in trouble with the wrong person...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Me Against The World

It's hard sometimes to be alone. But the fact of the matter is, there is a point in time that you have to face some things alone. No, I'm not meaning that God is not there. I understand you always have the Lord to go to, but let's also be real here. You need someone here, in the flesh to rely on also. But sometimes that's not always possible. This is my today. I have many people in my life that I can rely on. Many people I can trust and look to whenever I need something. But there's always a limit to everything. There's always a breaking point...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Patriarchal Blessings

My life right now isn't what you would call easy.  I know everyone goes through trials in some form or the other.  And certain people have bigger trials than others.  Well, I will have to admit, some of the trials I have been dealt are pretty up there in difficulty.  Some days are harder than others.  There are times that I feel like I have no where to go and no solution to any of the problems I have to deal with.  It can be so overwhelming that I don't even know where to start.  And for me, that is where the...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Heavenly Father, Are you really there? And do you hear and answer every childs prayer? Some say that heaven is far away... But I feel it closer everytime I pray. Heavenly Father, I remember now. Something that Jesus told disciples long ago. "Suffer the children to come to me." Father, in prayer I'm coming now to thee. Pray, he is there. Speak, he is listening. You are his child. His love now surrounds you. He hears your prayers. He loves the children. Of such is the kingdom, the kingdom of heav...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Koda and Life

Well basically it's been a lifetime and a half since I have updated this blog once again.  I go through phases of whether or not I want to keep writing on it, but I love reading other people's blogs so I figure I better keep mine up so I can keep reading other's also.  Life is constantly changing in drastic ways for me.  It's hard to believe that the life I am living right now is actually my life.  Where did all my stability...

Monday, February 28, 2011

Love Is a Battlefield

I think the title is enough explanation in itself.  Dating and falling in love is a such a scary process.  You can meet someone and be entirely entraced by them, and then the next thing you know things are completely different.  But I guess that's all in the name of love. I guess though, if we didin't have such lows when it comes to love, that you also wouldn't feel as much of a high as you do when you find it.  Love isn't meant to last forever with everyone, however I don't think that doesn't mean you didn't love them...

Monday, January 31, 2011

You're Still The One - Shania Twain

Looks like we've made itLook how far we've come my babyWe might have took the long wayWe knew we'd make it someday They said, "I bet they'll never make it"But just look at us holding onWe're still togetherStill holding strong You're still the one I run toThe one that I belong toYou're still the one I want for lifeYou're still the one that I loveThe only one I dream ofYou're still the one I kiss goodnight Aint nothing betterWe beat the odds togetherI'm...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Baby Emma and Shooting

Well, it's official! Baby Emma is here! She was born on Jan. 18th at 3:53 p.m. weighing in at 8 lbs and 11 oz! Except later that day they found out that that weight was incorrect somehow because she really weighed 7 lbs 3 oz. Which made a lot more sense because Cassi wasn't very big. I didn't go see her the day she was born, I went over to St. Mark's hospital the next day to visit the cute new family. Cassi was still in bed but she was looking great!...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Babies and Hockey

I had a great week that was filled with babies and hockey. First off, JD's sister Cassi is due to have her baby this week! I can't believe it's already here, it's going to be so much fun to have that little girl here with us finally! We had a baby shower for her last week and it was so exciting to see all the baby clothes and everything else. I deal with baby stuff like this every week with my job in the NICU, but it's so much more exciting...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Why I Want To Be a Nurse

Okay, I warned you. I'm addicted to My Sister's Keeper. Sometimes I wonder why I chose to go into nursing, and if that's really what I want to do. But then there are little things every now and then that remind you of exactly why you are doing what you are. This quote from the book is one of those reasons. If this doesn't make you want to be a nurse, then I don't know what does. Quote by Sara (mother of Anna and Kate, who has AML) "An oncology ward is a battlefield, and there are definate hierarchies of command. The patients, they're the...

My Sister's Keeper

I love books. I tend to like reading the less known books instead of the Harry Potter/Twilight fascinations, but I'll admit I've read those too. The ones I rant and rave about though are different. My new love is My Sister's Keeper. Most people have heard of it due to the movie made about it, but let me tell you..IT IS NOT THE SAME. The book is completely different and passes the movie in greatness by light years!! Everyone should read this book. There are some things in the book that I have to quote and put in here because I love it so much and...

I'm back!

Hm. Well it's been a long while since I've even glanced at this thing. I'm so back and forth on whether I want to take the time to do this blog or not. So don't be suprised if I take off for a while again, but I'll work on it. So, SO much has changed. I'm no longer living at home with my parents.. I live in a basement apartment with one other roommate. It's very different but in a good way. I'm being forced to learn to keep things clean and do the things that at home I hated doing the most, mostly because my roommate doesn't like doing them herself....