I love books. I tend to like reading the less known books instead of the Harry Potter/Twilight fascinations, but I'll admit I've read those too. The ones I rant and rave about though are different. My new love is My Sister's Keeper. Most people have heard of it due to the movie made about it, but let me tell you..IT IS NOT THE SAME. The book is completely different and passes the movie in greatness by light years!! Everyone should read this book. There are some things in the book that I have to quote and put in here because I love it so much and the author has a REALLY great way of saying things. So, here are my obsessive parts of the book that I've read probably a million times.
Quote #1.. Said by Anna (Sister of the girl in the story who has Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia) Anna isn't sure what religion she is and where people come from or how they get here. This isn't the happiest quote on her opinion of how we got here but the author is amazing at describing this!! Also makes me so grateful to have the gospel in my life and to know the truth, especially in hard situaions like Anna is put in.
"If there was a religion of Annaism, and I had to tell you how humans made their way to Earth, it would go like this: in the begining, there was nothing at all but the moon and the sun. And the moon wanted to come out during the day, but there was something so much brighter that seemed to fill up all those hours. The moon grew hungry, thinner and thinner, until she was just a slice of herself, and her tips were as sharp as a knife. By accident, because that is the way most things happen, she poked a hole in the night and out spilled a million stars, like a fountain of tears.
Horrified, the moon tried to swallow them up. And sometimes this worked, because she got fatter and rounder. But mostly it didn't, because there were just so many. The stars kept coming, until they made the sky so bright that the sun got jealous. He invited the stars to his side of the world, where it was always bright. What he didn't tell them, though, was that in the daytime, they'd never be seen. So the stupid ones leaped from the sky to the ground, and the froze under the weight of their own foolishness.
The moon did her best. She carved each of these blocks of sorrow into a man or a woman. She spent the rest of her time holding on to whatever scraps she had left."
Quote #2 Also by Anna... Love that girl Anna!
"When you are a kid you have your own language, and unlike French or Spanish or whatever you start learning in fourth grade, this one you're born with, and eventually lose. Everyone under the age of seven is fluent in Ifspeak; go hang around with someone under three feet tall and you'll see. What if a giant funnelweb spider crawled out of a hole over your head and bit you on the neck? What if the only antidote for venom was locked up in a vault on the top of a mountain? What if you lived through the bite, but could only move your eyelids and blink out an alphabet? It doesn't really matter how far you go; the point is that it's a world of possibility. Kids think with their brains cracked wide open; becoming an adult, I've decided, is only a slow sewing shut."
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