I have developed over the last month or so, a ridiculously terrible sleeping habit. As you can tell as I post this at 2:30 AM. For some dumb reason, I just cannot sleep at night. Not one bit, I literally stay up all dang night long. Which in turn, means I sleep until the day is over. Usually around 11 AM is when I finally roll out of bed. I think it's safe to say that I'm not so much a morning person, it takes me a bit to get going. However, in the slight chance that I do get up early, once I'm up and going I love it! I hate this sleeping pattern I've gotten myself into and I am determined to get out of it. I think I'm going to force myself to get out of bed at 8:30 AM by setting my alarm clock and then putting it outside my bedroom door, that way I am forced to get up and out of bed to turn it's ridiculously annoying sound off. Yep. It's a done deal.
This week has been a bit of a rough one for me. Ha, well I'd say a good majority of my weeks are rough, but this week has been exceptionally rough. I don't want to get into any of the drama that unfolded because most of it I've dealt with now, but it's like it was an every day hit this week. Hopefully this weekend will be a different story. My little brother seems to have run into the same kind of patch I am in. He had this cute little girlfriend for a little while, and something happened and they broke up. However, they keep talking to each other and I know my brother is a bit torn up about the whole thing. I feel really bad because I remember what it was like to have that first person you think you love.. it's probably the hardest to get over. High school can be so tough, and I hate to see him go through a tough time because of the crazy drama that goes on during high school. I wish there was some way I could protect him, or warn him, or help him. He's not one to talk to me about his drama- especially love life drama. But I know. I know when he is having a really hard day, usually what it is about. That's just how me and my brother are.. I know him a lot better than I think he knows. If only he would just include me in his life more, I know I could help him through some rough spots... and I'm sure even though he is only 15, he could help me through some of mine. I love that kid.
Well friends, it's about time for me to start my late night of sleep, but I figured I would leave you all with one happy little twinge. I hope everyone else's week has been going better than mine! But I have faith that things for this week are going to turn up, I've got a couple of good looking days ahead of me. :) As for my happy note, I though I would venture out and post my first video on the blog tonight! And who better than the star of my life, my cute little (well, technically really big) doggie face, Koda. In this video, she is on the end of my bed. I have a memory foam mattress and she has just discovered the joys of the memory foam. For a while she would jump and press her paws in the foam, then move back and watch because she noticed that the bed would move after she had stepped on it. Well, after watching for a little while and not being able to figure out why it was moving after she stepped on it, she got frustrated and started digging at it... so naturally, my first reaction is to start recording. Enjoy! :)
Please note, that every time Koda gets on my bed now she spends time jumping at and digging at the moving memory foam. Wonderful.
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