Friday, March 1, 2013

Married = New Blog!

I'm getting married in 6 days. 6 days!!!! Marriage brings a lot of change. One of those changes include a blog with two names.  His and mine.  Together. It's not official until it's "blog-ficial". I'm going to make this blogficial before I get married. SO.  Please, if you would like to get the scoop on the soon to be Jenkins family, head on over to... Come follow me, for soon this single life blog shall die. :) 6 days guy...

Saturday, February 16, 2013

My Candy Land

It's been quite a while since I've been around the blogging world.  There is so much in my life that has happened that I wouldn't even know where to begin.  Last year and quite honestly the year before that, were such difficult years filled with many trials that put me to the test.  I have to say, 2013 is like a shiny new penny I found on the streets of Candy Land.  It gets better and better every day.  Let's start at the beginning. I graduated.  Hello, bliss.  NO MORE NURSING SCHOOL FROM HELL!  It had to...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Logan and Chad

Hearing of Logan and Chad's deaths was particularly heartbreaking.  I was driving to my fiance's house on Sunday to head to church after and he called me and told me the news.  From the horrible story he told me, I didn't believe him at first.  But after some research, I learned the terrifying story was true.  Logan, Chad, and Derek had gone out duck hunting Saturday on the Great Salt Lake.  A storm came in and their boat...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Grandma Stam

This last weekend has been truly exhausting.  There is so much that has happened and I can't believe it all happened in the same weekend.  As much heartbreak as I feel I can no longer endure, I know and really feel for the other closer, more important people these events directly effected.  My heart is broken for their sake and my prayers are with everyone effected by these horrible turn of events. I got home from my graveyard...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Proposal!

October 13, 2012 at about 6:30 pm my life changed forever.  The man of my dreams finally proposed!  I can't believe it is real, we are really engaged!  Cody and I have had such a rough ride getting to this point.  I think we have endured things through the dating phase that most couples would never have to face.  But I also know that is why we are where we are, that is why we have made it to the point of being engaged. ...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Remembering Brock

I've been pretty fortunate in my life to not have experienced much death.  I have all four of my grandparents still, all of my extended and immediate family.  I even had the same dog from when I was 5 years old up until just last October.  My dog dying was very terrible for me, and probably the worst I've experienced.  Call me lucky, or call me unlucky because it will probably all come crashing down at the same time.  But...

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fall Time!

A crappy picture of our beautiful hike.  Once I steal Cody's camera, I will have much better pictures to show off. I love fall.  I.  Love.  Fall.  The colors are so beautiful and amazing!  It's funny that I've lived in Utah my whole life and still every time fall comes around I'm amazed at how colorful our mountains turn every fall.  I had an amazing week this week and I got to spend a lot of much needed time...